#spirituality #selfdevelopment #personalitytransformation
Scaling - Is It Different for Everyone?
What is true scaling? The kind of scaling that leads to a completely clear, strong, and firm development in life; what can be called real scaling in a person's life.
Some might say that scaling is doubling your salary; growing your business tenfold; going from three employees to 30; quitting your job to start your own business; increasing the number of kids, cool connections; getting into some exclusive clubs. People come up with points, solutions for the word "scaling," and actually fall into an illusion, not seeing the cause-and-effect relationship that lies at the heart of a person's development.
Scaling by Clear Criteria (About Money)
I have a mentoring program called V100, where people come and stay for a long time, engaging with my various content. Recently, someone asked why the program is named that way. At first, I said it just came naturally. "V" stands for Volchek, and then I clearly remembered that the number 100 was meant to convey this: a person in the program doesn't just grow x2, x3, x5, or x10, but scales 100 times. How can someone scale 100 times? What does it mean to "scale a person 100 times"? It's easy to say when you had 100 rubles, and now you have 10,000, that it's increased 100 times. That's a very clear scaling. It's easy to say I had one lead and now I have 100 leads or potential clients. There were a thousand clients – now there are 100,000 clients. People measure their scaling with such clear values. But what does it mean to scale a person? Not profit, not revenue 100 times. I'll try to give an understanding of this and, at the same time, one important solution.
About Immeasurable Criteria of Personal Growth
The first thing to understand is that scaling 100 times is not related to solving a specific task, a prescribed parameter, or achieving a certain goal. For scaling 100 times, you don't need to set a goal, have a measurable indicator: what lies at the heart of scaling 100 times cannot be measured. It's impossible to measure, only you will know. Others, of course, will start to notice it as some kind of consequence.
Scaling 100 times is when you develop your own perception; when you simultaneously perceive not 10 events, but everything possible at the moment. "Perceive" means to realize, feel, understand, when you know the causes and effects, when you understand why it happened and what will happen next. When you understand that what will happen next cannot be known 100%, and you are in a state of trust, freedom, honest, pure perception.
What is Expanded Perception and How to Achieve It
Scaling 100 times means expanding a person's perception. Of course, this expansion does not lie in comparable parameters. People seek expanded perception; they have heard about it and start using various "tools" that seem to expand perception, comparing it to certain values. Just like they want to compare profit: it was 100, now it's 100 thousand. They use some substance or attend some event where they experience a new perception that they never had before. People start seeing something they hadn't seen. But seeing something new doesn’t mean your perception has expanded. You have scaled in terms of you as a person.
True expanded perception in a person is a natural, constant process, something that is always there, regardless of what you do. It's like a habit. You don’t need to tune into perception, prepare for it, travel, or pay money. This perception is always within you. Moreover, it constantly develops and expands. At the right moment, you perceive one thing, and at another – 10–100 thousand things.
The most important thing is that you are ready and able to perceive everything. This means literally being calm and perceiving when you plant a seed, make an omelet, put a child to sleep, read a book, to the natural perception that your business is collapsing, conflicts in relationships, and your life changing drastically.
Expanded Perception
True expanded perception is perception that happens naturally and constantly. If it doesn’t flow like this for you, it's just some flashes. If someone tells you this state must have a measurable indicator, it's an illusion. You don't want to expand your perception, not scale yourself wholly, but you just want to achieve a certain event without understanding how it affects a thousand other areas. And most importantly, without understanding what state you are in.
Biohacking and Other Useless Tips
Recently, someone suggested I follow an American who is supposedly the strongest person: he’s into biohacking and trying to change his life. It's amazing: this guy is broadcasting how he’s going to expand his life and be super healthy, while spending almost all his time every day on this expansion and health. He spends all his current time trying to hack his life. So, what's the point of life then? Just live all this time and don’t hack. Why should I extend my life while losing my life itself? What’s the point of that?
Why does someone want to spend 20 years earning 5 million dollars, only to end up in Thailand with 5 million dollars after 20 years? And they say they’re suffering for 20 years now, but then they’ll live in Thailand and everything will be great. The point isn’t whether it will be great or not, but what happens during those 20 years. Is this really scaling, or is it real degradation? Like the kind of development that leads to degradation when a person doesn’t understand the cause-and-effect relationship.
About False Perception Expansion
A person goes to some event, takes certain substances, his "perception expands," at least he starts seeing something, and he says, "I realized everything that happened." But does he really understand what caused this event, what the consequences will be? Does he see all future consequences and beyond, when he lives, does he feel this, or does he tell himself: "This event worked for six months, I felt good, but now it doesn't work." But did it really work, was the person in a great state?
If he hadn’t gone to this event, maybe he would have felt much better than after the event? Maybe everything would have been great. Perhaps a huge number of negative events wouldn’t have started, events he can’t control. He doesn’t understand where they come from and how they arise. They say this person achieved great success, and he has cancer. If he hadn’t achieved great success, would he have cancer or not? The person says we studied everything. Really? Do you really know all the cause-and-effect relationships?
Conscious Observation as the Key to Scaling
Real scaling is when a person begins to understand cause-and-effect relationships. There's an incredible key to doing this. It’s not about understanding the cause-and-effect relationships of events, but that every day, when you do dozens and hundreds of actions, when you make hundreds or thousands of different decisions, you observe, do you know the cause-and-effect relationships or not? The fact that you observe, put it into observation, doubt that you know the cause-and-effect relationships – this means you start to greatly expand your perception.
Again: not finding cause-and-effect relationships (for example, few people watched my video because it has a bad title), but saying to yourself: "I don’t know the main reason why few people watched my video because I don’t know YouTube's algorithms, what parameters are set there, what the time should be for people to watch it, what would happen if many people watched it, should many people watch it now, what would happen to me, to those people." Put it into observation: what's the main reason for this event? Every person experiences dozens of such things every day.
About the V100 Development Program
Since I mentioned V100 today, I invite you to join my program. Usually, it interests people who have been watching me and engaging with me for some time. Sometimes, it's for people who have accidentally come across me. There's something interesting I want to share about V100. Some might say I'm killing the conversion, the number of people who join. V100 is a long-term program because I guide a person to real scaling, which is a result of expanding your own perception. This is possible in current life over time.
Personally, I don't want to stop expanding my perception, scaling – not the kind where my profit, salary, or number of wealthy acquaintances grow. But real scaling, the kind we talked about. I want to always be in this state – of vast, immeasurable perception, true freedom for a long time. "A long time" means always. I don't want to reach a point where I achieve freedom, but I want to live in this state, understanding that I won't touch all kinds of freedom and perception and will never fully know myself.