#spirituality #selfdevelopment #personaltransformation
Seven Practices for Every Day
Today I want to share seven daily practices that a person can follow for their entire life. It's amazing how we constantly search for new practices, texts, meditations, or exercises that help us truly move forward and develop. We want to see more, listen better, and reach certain goals. The thing is, we often feel the need to update these practices. But there are things that are timeless, and you can live with them always. There's no need to waste time testing new practices, to drain your inner strength with doubts, or to spend tons of resources learning something new. The most authentic life practices are simple, and today I will share them with you.
These practices were introduced by Rudolf Steiner in his Michael School in the early 20th century. I’ll quote some of the text and explain the meaning behind each one. Then, I’ll give you a powerful rule for why these are necessary in life. When we see certain texts, we think they’re only for spiritual growth or personal development. But these daily practices are essential for your entire life—whether it’s your family, professional development, your business, teamwork, or your health. It doesn’t matter what it is. You can start applying these practices right away.
The goal is to learn as much as possible from life. Nothing passes us by that doesn’t provide an opportunity to gather useful life experience. If something is done incorrectly or imperfectly, it serves as a reason to do it correctly and perfectly in the future. When looking at others' actions, observe them with the same intention but not with a cold heart. Nothing is done without looking back at experiences that can help with decision-making and its implementation. You can learn something from anyone, even from a child, if you are attentive. This exercise is called “right memory,” meaning remembering what you’ve learned from past experiences.
Right memory with your family: with your wife, your children, your husband. Right memory at work: with your boss, employees, colleagues. Right memory in business, when resting, working hard. Right memory everywhere.
Pay attention to your ideas and thoughts. Think only about meaningful thoughts. Gradually learn to separate the essential from the non-essential, the eternal from the temporary, truth from mere opinion. Listen to others, and strive to become inwardly calm. Avoid all approval or especially negative judgments—criticism and rejection. The same goes for thoughts and feelings. In other words, in your thoughts and feelings, refrain from making negative judgments about your loved ones. This is what is called “right opinion.”*
Pay attention to your ideas and thoughts. Right opinion at home, at work, while walking, watching TV, writing, cooking, or shopping.
Even the smallest action should be taken only after thorough reflection. Every unconsidered action or meaningless activity must be distanced from the soul. For this, one must always have a carefully considered basis. It is necessary to refrain from everything for which there is no significant reason. If a person is convinced of the correctness of a decision, they must adhere to it with inner determination — this is called "correct judgment", which is made independently of sympathy or antipathy.
It doesn't change based on your mood. If someone is convinced of the rightness of a decision, they stick to it, while in other cases, they remain in a state of learning. Even the smallest action is decided upon through thoughtful reflection.
Speech — only what has meaning and significance should come out of the mouth of someone striving for higher development. Any conversation for the sake of conversation, like passing the time, is harmful in this sense. One must avoid the common way of talking, where everything is discussed randomly and chaotically, but that does not mean cutting oneself off from communication with close ones. It is in this communication that speech must gradually develop into something meaningful. Speak with everyone and answer everyone, but thoughtfully, carefully considering your words, and never say anything without a reason for it. It's better to stay silent. One should strive to speak neither too concisely nor too wordily. First, listen calmly and then reflect on it. This is also called "correct speech".
So, what happens to us with our correct speech at home and at work? What happens to our correct speech when we can’t say anything to someone? What happens to our correct speech when we ramble on, make excuses, or try to explain something? What happens to correct speech when we talk at work but don't communicate at home? What is going on with this? What is going on with our correct speech?
Our external actions should not interfere with our loved ones. When a person is motivated to act by their inner conscience, they must carefully consider how that motivation could best align with the general good, with the lasting happiness of people, with eternity. When a person acts out of their own initiative, they must thoroughly weigh the consequences of their actions in advance. This is also called "correct action".
And how well are you acting in life? Do you truly act with awareness in every moment? Like this — when it doesn't disturb our loved ones.
Arranging one’s life. Live according to nature and spirit, without wasting energy on external fuss, avoiding everything that brings anxiety and haste into life. Do not rush too much, but don't be too slow either. View life as a means for work, for higher development, and act accordingly. In this sense, they also speak of "the correct point of view".
Human aspirations. Your aspirations. One must watch not to take on a task beyond their strength, but also not to shy away from what is within their power. Rise above the everyday, fleeting things and set goals or ideals that are connected to higher human responsibilities. For example, strive to develop according to these exercises, so that later on, you can help your loved ones more with your actions and advice, even if not immediately. All of this can be summarized as: "let all of the above exercises become habits for a person".
I will now explain how this relates to the days of the week: Thursday as a summary of all these days.
You can start working within the framework of the day, but in reality, you could take one exercise, like "Friday," and practice it every day of the week. Or practice it every day for a month. Then in the new month, take the next exercise. Or take the next exercise for the new week. But in the end, you come to the point (this is the life exercise), where all these exercises become your own habits — in every action, word, opinion, judgment, point of view, you live and act from truth, from what is real. Whether it’s a point of view on the plants outside, a thought about another person who is with you, or communication with someone in a store, or discussing a new business with your partner.
Correct memory, correct opinion, correct judgment, correct speech, correct action, and correct point of view together will lead you not just to development, not just to growth, but to the highest form of development.
This is a journey that brings a whole new perception of life. This is freedom inside that you want to feel at least once. And what if this freedom becomes as simple as a habit? This means you will feel it always.
You need to set a time frame for yourself to start practicing in this space. It doesn’t necessarily have to be for life. You could give yourself a month if it feels difficult. If it’s a bit easier for you, take three months. If you feel a bit more free, take five or ten years, or don’t limit yourself by time. Because no person in the world can say that these words don’t lead to human development.
Conclusion (Addition to the video)
From time to time, look into your soul, even if it's only for five minutes each day at the same time. During this time, you should immerse yourself in reflection, carefully consult with yourself, review your life rules, and refine them. Mentally go through your knowledge, as well as the gaps in it. Weigh your responsibilities, think about the meaning and true purpose of life. Feel a serious dissatisfaction with your mistakes and flaws. In short, strive to find what is essential and lasting, and set serious goals for yourself, such as acquiring virtues. (Avoid the mistake of thinking that doing something good is enough, but always strive to go further, following higher examples). This exercise is called "proper contemplation."
Exercises from the book: Rudolf Steiner, "GUIDELINES FOR ESOTERIC STUDENTS", from the content of the "Esoteric School" GA 245. The text from the book is italicized in the article.