#spirituality #selfdevelopment #personaltransformation
How well do you truly and sincerely understand what's happening right now? Whether in business, family, or the management team. I've had countless experiences with many businesses, different amounts of money, firmness, confidence, and emotional calm. It doesn't matter to me whether someone was fired or retained. Life ahead is vast, with both millions of dollars and a few dollars. How ready are you to look at this neutrally? Regardless of what’s in your bank account.
Crisis Personal Situation as a Driver for Self-Development
Do I really need to face a crisis or a tough situation for transformation to begin? Do I need to hit rock bottom, experience loss, imbalance, instability, family or work issues, financial or business problems? So, something challenging happens. Does transformation occur through hardship, or is there another flow?
The thing is, our life is truly expressed in a state of development. And a person develops from birth and continues to develop until the end of life. It can be through positive development (what's usually called "development") or negative (often called degradation).
These are changes in a person's life and state: if a person reaches a problem or conflict point, they essentially enter a complex, often degraded state. In this point, transformation happens naturally – just as they initially reached this point.
At the same time, there's another person moving through life on their development path, constantly experiencing changes. We see that their changes are, for example, of positive quality. On one side, there's someone struggling, perhaps earning a million dollars and then losing two million, while another person earns a million dollars and then another three million. Both of them can undergo an internal transformation.
What is transformation? The transformation we're seeking is linked to some insight or conclusion and a series of events leading to positive development.
However, in reality, transformation is a set of events leading to the same development or life – towards degradation or positive things.
A person could develop excellently and move forward, but then undergo a transformation and start to degrade.
For example, someone was developing incredibly well in business but then started losing everything – clearly, a transformation occurred. And vice versa.
So, never think that a point of change is based on some inevitable problem.
From my experience: I’ve had thousands of different changes and events in life, many interactions with various amounts of money, touching large partnerships, and shrinking to something small.
About Inner Egoism
The state of saying, "I'll keep suffering, then maybe I'll find the transformation point," is inner egoism, justifying or beating one's state of reaching a particular point. There's nothing wrong if a bad event happens in our life. Bad is when we start acting falsely towards the event, behaving badly towards others: lying, stealing, deceiving, contradicting, creating illusions, going completely in the wrong direction. That's negative. But if life leads us on a difficult path, I don't think it's bad. The question is how we view it and how we act from that point.
The ability to understand at any moment that this is life and it can happen with various motives, moods, states – this primarily allows me to be a spiritual person, a true person, living by the laws of the universe, becoming myself, and seeing my true next step. If I am genuinely myself and see my next step, it will surely be the right action for positive development. In this case, certainly positive.
Because if I act truthfully, by the laws of the universe, world, space, society, relationships, and if I see the correct next step in this state – it is right here and now.
Since each person’s steps are different, the development in this case is positive – the development that should be for you, for a particular person.
So never compare yourself to someone else.
Or compare other people and say, "Look, they succeeded, but this one didn’t," or "They didn't succeed, so I won't," or "They succeeded, so I will." All these comparisons are completely pointless – like reading tea leaves, mostly lacking any true pattern.
Our Inner State. About the Observation Zone. How to Better Understand What's Happening
Logical patterns aren’t about truth and won’t give you inner strength, firmness, confidence, emotional calm, stability, honesty, or good progress.
One crucial aspect of understanding what's happening is our inner state, a sense of truth or some belief. For example, some words I use might cause discomfort, dislike, denial, or an understanding that I don't need this. If this happens, it’s worth paying attention to it: not from the position of “admitting and saying I’m wrong” or “I’m right,” but from the position of taking this information and placing it in the observation zone.
The State of Neutrality
What is the “observation zone”? It's when you hear something and try to treat it neutrally: neither fully agreeing nor denying.
Any transformation and any significant change in a person or business is always associated with entering a state of neutrality: for a person – a state of neutrality of sensations of agreement or decision-making, for a business – a state of neutrality in discussing topics and making decisions, the ability to hear things that seem uncharacteristic for this business or hear familiar things repeatedly.
Even what’s familiar should be placed in the observation state. Not defining what is primary or secondary, what is guaranteed to succeed, and what is not: this will succeed with 100% probability, while that with 3%.
Try to place every thought, idea in the state of neutral observation and understand that all actions in terms of the transformation of a person, as an owner, a businessman, an entrepreneur, a strong manager, a strong partner, or a visionary, a person with a long life ahead, depend on your inner core, state.
How you feel about a particular idea, how you feel about the thought that in five years everything will be very bad or very good, or in five years you’ll be earning 100 dollars a month or 10 million dollars a month? What is your state, reaction to this? Is it the same or different? A great state is when the reaction is the same. Whether 100 dollars a month or 10 million dollars a month – regardless of what’s in your bank account, how many children you have, where you live, what difficulties you have.
The most correct, natural state in life is the state of neutral feeling of this possible event.
Firstly, it’s only five years ahead – we always want everything “tomorrow,” even changes on a large scale we want “tomorrow.” Secondly, it’s just something someone said, and imagine it didn’t happen. Can I imagine it the same way? Can I not say: “No, this won’t happen,” or “This will happen, it’s possible,” or “It’s impossible”? Can I remain in a state of neutrality, calm feeling? Yes, in ten years I might have a major health issue, and I’ll die. Or in ten years, I’ll have excellent health, feeling like a young deer. Not to delve into discussions of attracting trouble or nonsense, but to enter a state of how neutrally you can feel this.
Just like being ready to exit operations means being prepared for any action in the company. For example, firing a team member who has been with you for the past ten years. You say you're ready or ask why to fire them and how it will happen, clarifying if it’s the right action. This causes some strange state. For instance, I’m talking about it now neutrally, abstractly, I don’t care whether this person was fired or retained.
If I now turn to my specific business and think: “So, if someone in my own business gets fired, how will I feel? Will I perceive it neutrally or find it very hard?”
If you are in a state of neutrality, in a point of balance, from this feeling, you can hear the very next right step for yourself. In fact, constantly hearing the next step and taking the right steps and actions creates an incredible point of support.