#spirituality #selfdevelopment #personalitytransformation
What mistake do people make when testing business hypotheses? What are they doing wrong when they want to start a new business or launch a new direction?
I’ll tell you about the points of focus that you need to consider when searching for any business or project. This will give you a strong addition to taking the right next step in opening a business, as well as scaling yourself as a businessman, entrepreneur, professional, and person. It will also help you grow and develop your business, strengthen partnerships, or create something entirely new. There are key points of focus that you need to constantly keep an eye on, and the most important thing is to perceive them.
It's fascinating that you, as a person, have a tremendous impact, and your life is a series of many changes. If 5 or 10 years ago your business didn't work out, it doesn't mean that today it won't succeed 10,000 times better; if you were in a bad state in the past when running a business, it doesn't mean that now you won't find yourself in a state of endless joy; if you were switching niches every six months, it doesn't mean that you'll stick to one niche for the rest of your life (and you’ve got a long life ahead of you!). You carry a massive number of combinations of various parameters and points of focus when finding and forming a business—and that’s what people often forget. They focus on tools, automation, sales, marketing, management methods, pricing, the right niches, money, investments, and forget that business is meant to bring growth and development into their lives. It doesn’t matter if the goal is to make a profit; it doesn’t matter if you aim to become the most famous; it doesn’t matter if you're doing your life's work. What matters is that any business you do is an integral part of your life and professional development. And within that, the key element is you—not the niche, timing, team, resources, experience, or knowledge. Just you.
First. Of course, there is the niche or field you're in.
But it's important to understand that within any field and niche, there are different times. Something that worked five years ago in a particular niche might not work now. Fifteen years ago, a niche might have been tough, but now it’s the perfect time to enter. Right now, you may see things differently, but it’s just not the right time. Recently, I talked about the mistakes I made in my own business, and one of them was that I often did things too early in terms of timing. Just not the right time.
The next point is the team with which you will execute a particular project.
It seems like people spend time on this, discuss it, but at the same time, it doesn’t get its own separate focus. People understand: it’s the right niche, the right time—and they just start. But who’s going to make this business happen? Is it you and your partners, or do you have a team capable of executing it? Often, we look at some business and say, "If they could do it, we definitely can too." And we launch, comparing ourselves to others. But we don’t know what kind of team they have. There are many businessmen in the world whom we easily recognize or who give talks about business, but in reality, their serious success was brought about by their team. You could talk about teams for a long time, but it's more of a point of focus. So, you know there’s a niche, timing, and a team.
The fourth important point is the resources you have in terms of money, capital, your connections, partnerships, and how quickly you can launch something.
Someone who has a lot of resources doesn’t necessarily have a lot of money. The essence of resources is also about how you can use them. I’ve known many wealthy people who had significant financial resources but very few resources in terms of quick partnerships, opportunities, contacts, or circumstances.
Of course, experience and knowledge are important.
You’ve chosen a niche at a certain time with an understanding of the team and available resources. Is your experience and knowledge relevant to these factors? Or are you still in a state of not fully understanding what needs to be done? Sometimes, experience and knowledge aren’t even necessary. I often say that experience is a very relative thing. Many businessmen who succeeded in business can never replicate it—they can’t copy their own model. There’s a great example: ask anyone with a successful business to replicate it. Try it yourself with the businesses you have or with the business model that works for you: make an exact copy with the same profit and revenue, another identical copy. How easy would that be?
And, of course, the incredibly important final point of focus is—who are you as a person and what is your state right now?
Are you in a state of freedom, broad perception, strength, firmness, confidence, resilience, endurance, and at the same time humility, love, acceptance, creativity, inspiration? When you’re ready to combine all these qualities and dive into a new business in a state of power (not some imagined external power like a weapon or authority), but the power that is within a person: joy, ease, vitality, real confidence.